For communication services

Making communication a unifying company-wide project

Communication: the "Cinderella" of companies?

Communication: the "Cinderella" of companies?

Unfortunately, communication is often perceived as a secondary function rather than an essential strategic element. Lacking consideration, resources and funding, communication services are frequently the first to suffer from budget cuts. Leaders tend to prioritize activities directly related to production, underestimating the impact that effective communication can have on employee’s motivation, customer’s satisfaction, brand image and sales! But don’t worry... we have the solution 👇

Turn the tables by involving your leadership and colleagues!

Turn the tables by involving your leadership and colleagues!

Involving your leadership and colleagues in defining your brand communication strategy is crucial to ensure its relevance and gaining everyone’s support. First and foremost, it’s essential to raise awareness among your stakeholders about the importance of your role.

Once they’re on board, leaders as decision-makers and visionaries, will provide the direction to follow. And with ComInTime, you can easily translate their vision into a structured communication strategy that is practical and easy to implement daily.

As for the frontline teams, they are a valuable source of inspiration, helping to enrich and adapting the brand strategy to meet the real needs and aspirations of the market. Together, their collaboration ensures a holistic and inclusive approach that enhances the coherence, authenticity, and effectiveness of brand communication.

This synergy between leadership, communication service and employees not only increases internal engagement but also boosts the company’s ability to stand out and resonate positively with its target audiences (and it is evident!).

ComInTime empowers you to highlight your actions...

ComInTime empowers you to highlight your actions...

Working within a communication service in a constantly evolving company can present several challenges where the pace and workload of each employee are intense and awareness of the importance of communication is unclear. The lack of clarity in communication and the lack of synchronization around the company’s communication strategy with different stakeholders can devalue the work of communicators and even be misunderstood by the rest of the team.

Our software solution addresses all these differentiating factors to offer you a work environment that, with its simplicity of use and user-friendly design, will adapt to your working methods and facilitate your interactions with your colleagues and managers.

By placing strategy at the heart of communication, ComInTime makes your daily challenges more explicit, enabling you to work securely, collaborate better with different departments in your company, and stay closely aligned with the essential fundamentals of your communication.

…and it even saves you time (for just €45 / month!)

…and it even saves you time (for just €45 / month!)

We know how crucial consistency is in communication: whether it’s overcoming social media algorithms or keeping up with the fast pace inside companies, producing content that aligns with the defined strategy while sticking to a specific schedule can be a real challenge. Through its optimized interfaces designed to streamline the management, planning, and scheduling of your communication activities, ComInTime allows you to quickly and easily create strategic content that aligns with your company’s goals and strategy while ensuring consistency and staying on course in the long run.

As you often hear: "time is money”. So what could be better than working efficiently while optimizing both your time and costs? The application becomes your personal workspace for just €45 per month.