For freelancers

Empower your clients to be more self-sufficient and focus on what you really enjoy

Freelance, independent, consultant... enjoy your work!

Freelance, independent, consultant... enjoy your work!

"You’ve never been more dependent since becoming independent": this phrase likely resonates with you since you ventured solo into the vast world of communication.

Collaborating with yourself and taking full responsibility for your own communication actions with clients may initially seem ideal but can quickly become a source of stress and challenges. Being independent in your work also requires a certain dependence on your clients’ demands, effectively making them your new bosses. Meeting their needs effectively, being available and attentive, delivering actions aligned with their vision, and maintaining consistency to provide solutions within a set timeframe—all of this can be daunting alone! Fortunately, with ComInTime, you have the opportunity to move forward hand in hand with a trusted partner who enables you to optimize your work time, focus your communication efforts, and track their effectiveness in one place, ensuring that your client relationships are respected.

Working independently but in collaboration with ComInTime remains the best compromise to truly enjoy what you do (and that’s priceless!).

Strategy, content creation, or both? You decide where to draw the line!

Strategy, content creation, or both? You decide where to draw the line!

Explaining the proper management of your clients’ projects can seem complex when you consider the essential communication fundamentals that need to be determined within the strategy. The various content creation tools available on the market can also pose a challenge to their proper understanding. With user-friendly interfaces designed for effective communication management, ComInTime streamlines your work and facilitates exchanges between you and your clients, whether it’s for strategy or the content they’ve requested from you. Moreover, the solution allows you to choose what you truly want to manage: whether it’s only working on the strategy with your clients and leaving the content creation to them, or providing artistic assistance by overseeing just the creative part of the projects, the choice is yours! This way, you empower yourself to steer the direction you want to take, ensure coherence in the messaging for your clients, and guarantee them an optimized follow-up of their strategy through relevant, well-paced content that aligns with their vision. With ComInTime, it has never been easier to delegate communication actions to your clients and make them self-sufficient (if they wish) while providing them with thoughtful guidance.

ComInTime empowers you to showcase your work…

ComInTime empowers you to showcase your work…

As an independent, freelance, or consultant, your primary goal is to assist your clients in improving their communication and effectively addressing issues related to your areas of expertise. However, proving the true added value of your work and demonstrating your mastery of their subject matter can be challenging. To secure the work you've done for your clients and show that your actions are not just guesswork, ComInTime offers you the ability to solidify your relationships and interactions with them, and most importantly, to prove that your value propositions remain relevant and aligned with the established strategy. As a result, your actions will be understood and appreciated by your clients, reassuring them that their vision and requests are being respected.

…and frees you from mental load!

…and frees you from mental load!

Finally, thanks to the support provided by the ComInTime solution, remaining independent in your decision-making while ensuring relevance, consistency, and regularity for your clients' needs becomes a breeze. The analytical and personalized reporting features of the software allow you to explain the work done transparently, with easy-to-understand statistics and a rigorous follow-up of the actions undertaken. The solution’s ease of use also gives you the opportunity to optimize your working time, particularly through its notification system and automated emails. The days of countless back-and-forth emails are over: now, validating a publication with a single click is possible thanks to ComInTime. In fact, nothing is left to chance, and your clients will recognize your expertise in their area, enabling you to highlight the added value you bring and the effectiveness of your work, all optimized through ComInTime.