The method

Structure your strategy and organization to be more efficicent

Too often, a company's communication strategy sits forgotten in a drawer, or worse, has never been formalized. With the ComInTime method, communication becomes a unifying project within your organization, where everyone has a defined role in achieving clear objectives. Communication becomes enjoyable and above all, effective!

Define the pillars of your strategy through co-creation workshops

Define the pillars of your strategy through co-creation workshops

Your communication strategy aims to effectively achieve your objectives by delivering strategic messages to your target audience. The four ComInTime workshops offer a structured approach to refining your communication strategy and clarifying your context, ensuring your communication team is fully aligned.

If needed, we can provide an expert to review the fundamentals of communication and guide you through this process.

After these workshops, your workspace will be ready, ComInTime can effectively leverage artificial intelligence, and your team will be clear on how to work together!

Clarify the roles within your communication team

Clarify the roles within your communication team

Your communication team doesn’t have to be made up entirely of communication professionals. It’s not uncommon for a company’s social media to be managed by the director and the executive assistant! ComInTime embraces this model by allowing you to designate the individuals of your choice, involving them at the right moments to optimize their time. By assigning the right tasks to the right people, you streamline your workflow, give purpose to your actions, and enhance their effectiveness.

The key to successful communication is involving those who are willing, increasing the diversity of content and distributing the workload, while ensuring the relevance and quality of your publications.

Bring rhythm to your communication by following consistent rituals

Bring rhythm to your communication by following consistent rituals

The ComInTime method encourages you to meet monthly to plan upcoming strategic publications. The application will then manage the workflow of your communication team, optimizing their time through artificial intelligence and built-in validation processes.

To ensure ongoing improvement, ComInTime also includes quarterly review sessions to adjust your communication strategy, enhance your interactions, and evolve your communication techniques.

Create content that aligns with your strategy

Create content that aligns with your strategy

ComInTime requires you to view any topic idea proposed by a team member as a means to achieve a goal and deliver a message to a specific target audience.

Managing a website or social media becomes engaging while producing strategic content, as ComInTime guides you in diversifying your messages and the topics you cover.