On Oct 10, 2024

Optimize your communication efforts through targeting

In today's digital world, businesses face increased competition to capture the attention of their audience. Online communication can no longer be random: it must be targeted and aligned with audience expectations.

Optimize your communication efforts through targeting

Indeed, communication strategies must be structured to maximize their effectiveness, and target identification is at the heart of this approach. Without a deep understanding of the typical profiles it aims to target, a business risks losing relevance and diluting its messages. In this article, we will explore how the ComInTime method can help communicators define and optimize their targets to improve their communication strategy. We will start by understanding the purpose of a communication target, how to properly define it, and how to use the ComInTime application to structure this approach.

What is the purpose of a communication target?

What is a communication target?

A communication target is, first and foremost, a person. Contrary to the idea that a business can be a target, the concept of an individual remains the one we aim to reach. These individuals, often grouped under the same profile, may have multiple characteristics depending on their personal or professional situation. For example, a person can be both a parent, an employee, and a consumer depending on the time of day. It is therefore essential to understand the different contexts in which this person finds themselves in order to communicate effectively with them at each key moment.

Communication target VS commercial target

The communication target and the commercial target are not always the same. The commercial target refers to people or businesses likely to purchase a product or service, while the communication target goes beyond this. It represents the individuals with whom the company must interact to build its brand awareness, improve its brand image, or convey a specific message. In practice, a good marketing message must appeal to the end consumer as well as those who influence their choices, such as influencers or the media. This is what fundamentally distinguishes a commercial target from a communication target.

Multiple hats of a target

The individuals we seek to reach may wear multiple hats throughout the day. In the morning, they may act as professionals, while in the evening, they take on the role of consumers or family members. This shift in roles means that every message must be adjusted to the moment it is received. Content focused on "professional efficiency" will be more relevant in the morning, while a message geared towards leisure will be more likely to resonate in the evening. Therefore, it is important to adapt both the format and the content of the communication based on the role the target assumes at any given moment.

How to precisely define your communication targets?

Knowing your contacts and customers

Before defining your targets, it is essential to understand who your current contacts and customers are. Who is already interacting with your company? What are their needs and expectations? These are often valuable indicators that will help you identify the groups of people with whom you need to communicate. It’s important to ask the right questions: What are the touchpoints? How do these people perceive your brand? What types of content do they consume? By taking the time to analyze these aspects, you will be better equipped to create content that resonates with them and meets their specific expectations, thereby strengthening their loyalty.

Establishing personas

Creating personas is a key step in defining precise targets. A persona is a fictional profile representing a specific target group, incorporating key elements associated with them. To build it, you need to identify characteristics such as age, gender, profession, interests, and communication needs. It is recommended to have no more than five personas to maintain consistency in your communication strategy. Too many targets could scatter your efforts and weaken your message. These profiles also put a human face on your analysis, helping you better personalize your messages and put yourself in the shoes of your potential clients when creating content.

Selecting and grouping targets

Once the personas are defined, you need to group them based on their needs, expectations, or similar behaviors. Each group can then receive an adapted message, specific vocabulary, or even a different set of arguments. Sometimes, it may be necessary to merge several targets into one if their expectations are close enough. If you cannot afford to multiply your messages, it is better to focus on a single target with a strong, clear message. This not only ensures the consistency of the communication but also helps manage resources and time spent on creating adapted content.

Correctly define your targets in the ComInTime application

List your targets in the application

The ComInTime application is designed to help you structure your communication strategy effectively, taking your targets into account. The first step is to clearly list all the identified targets. The tool allows you to document your personas and associate each piece of content you produce with one or more of these targets. This ensures that every message you publish is relevant and well-suited. The integrated tracking feature also allows you to assess in real-time the effectiveness of each message on your different audiences, offering valuable reactivity to adjust your communication actions.

Keep targets in mind when creating content

When writing content for your social networks or other platforms, it is essential to always keep your targets in mind. The ComInTime application constantly reminds you who each message is addressed to, as you also document this in the interface, ensuring that your content remains aligned with the expectations and needs of your audiences. This feature allows you to verify that you’re using the right tone, the right arguments, and that you’re addressing the specific problems of each group. By helping you better segment your communication, ComInTime optimizes the impact and relevance of every message, contributing to better conversion.

Produce adequate content with the help of an expert

For businesses less comfortable with defining their targets or creating adapted content, ComInTime offers a personalized support service with an expert. This expert guides you through each step of creating your strategy, helps you clarify your targets, and assists you in producing coherent content. This support is particularly valuable for small businesses or those just starting with digital communication. Benefiting from the expertise of a professional also saves time and provides an external perspective that enhances and refines the quality of your communication efforts.

Defining communication targets is a crucial exercise to ensure the effectiveness of your actions. Well-targeted communication strengthens the impact of your messages and helps build strong relationships with your audiences. Thanks to the ComInTime application, you can structure and refine this approach by listing your targets, keeping them in mind during the creation of content, and benefiting from the expert guidance. By applying these methods, you maximize your chances of reaching the right people at the right time