On Dec 23, 2024

Optimize your content planification thanks to ComInTime’s method

Nowadays, communicators are constantly searching for ways to optimize their work time and maximize the impact of their messages on social networks. Content planning has thus become an essential step to achieve these goals.

Optimize your content planification thanks to ComInTime’s method

By taking the time to plan, you can not only ensure the consistency of your communication but also make sure that each publication meets specific objectives. The ComInTime method offers an innovative solution to implement this planning through a dedicated application and personalized support service. Let's explore together the advantages of this structured and efficient method.

Analyze your past communication

Review your previous work

The first step in any good planning process is to look back at what was produced the previous month. What have you already published, what topics have you covered… It is necessary to take stock of your past communication to best anticipate what is to come. ComInTime’s method first suggests conducting a detailed review of all your already published content, evaluating which ones worked or not, and why. By rereading and analyzing your previous publications, you can identify trends and messages that resonated the most with your audience, and which topics are less likely to interest your targets.

Align it with your communication strategy

Once the review is done, it is essential to see how these publications aligned with your communication strategy. ComInTime’s method helps you evaluate if your published content served your objectives, reached your targets while conveying the right message. This analysis, notably delivered through tables in the application, allows you to see where adjustments are needed and ensure that your future publications will better achieve your goals and foster public engagement, without ever undermining your strategy and the messages you want to convey on your social networks and other online media.

Study your personalized report to assess your actions

At the end of your time dedicated to analyzing your past communication, you can identify the elements that helped you increase your online visibility, respect your strategy, and achieve your goals, and those that failed you with your targets. However, if the analysis tables seem time-consuming and complex, ComInTime offers you through its application a personalized analysis report, summarizing all your conclusions. It notably synthesizes the strengths and weaknesses of your previous communication efforts and provides specific recommendations to improve your future publications. Thanks to it, you have a solid foundation to start planning your next content more strategically.

Dedicate time for brainstorming with your team

Review the already scheduled publications for the coming month

Before diving into new ideas and stimulating inspiration with your judiciously chosen collaborators, it is useful to see what has already been scheduled for the coming month. After the first phase of analyzing your already published content, it is easier to identify the positive and negative elements of the proposed ideas before this reflection time. ComInTime’s method then includes a review of the upcoming publications, which ensures that the content ideas thought out are still relevant and in line with the company's communication strategy and can make modifications for those not effectively achieving your objectives. This step is crucial to maintain coherence and fluidity in your editorial calendar and better prepare your brainstorming.

Select and prioritize the ideas launched "to be treated"

The interface for managing your publications in the ComInTime application allows you to track the progress and handling of your content topics, optimizing your work time and keeping an overview of all your communication actions. Thus, the collective brainstorming phase is an opportunity to gather all the content ideas launched in the application, choose them wisely, and prioritize them by assigning them the category "to be treated". By dedicating time to select your ideas worthy of development and ranking the most promising ones, ComInTime helps you stay focused on the most strategic actions to implement in your communication.

Look for other topics to strategically achieve your goals

After dealing with the topics already launched in the application and their prioritization, comes the moment when each collaborator involved in your communication can suggest new content ideas in line with your communication goals. Based on their experiences and expertise, subjects inspired by real facts and directly linked to your company's actions can thus emerge. Moreover, ComInTime’s application allows you to map your activity, listing all the main themes related to it. By consulting this list during your brainstorming, other inspirations can appear and transform into topics for your social networks, ensuring once again that they are relevant to your strategy.

Plan your content and check its relevance

Use the editorial calendar to schedule your topics over time

Once the topics to be treated for the coming month are identified, it is time to plan them over time to ensure regularity in the pace of your communication. ComInTime’s application notably offers an interface dedicated to a detailed editorial calendar, which helps you organize your publications as you wish, quickly and efficiently. This temporal planning ensures that each topic is addressed at the best moment, maximizing their impact on your social networks and not forgetting anything. By placing your ideas in your calendar at the desired time, you ensure you stay on course and counter the difficulty of keeping up with media algorithms.

Characterize them to ensure communication aligned with your strategy

Each planned topic must be well-defined and guarantee a certain relevance to the communication strategy you previously established. With ComInTime, you can characterize each topic in detail: communication objectives, target audience, key message to convey, publication format, media on which to publish, and tone to use, etc. This precise characterization helps ensure that each produced content exactly meets the needs identified during the analysis and brainstorming and does not undermine the messages you want to convey.

Verify the balance of your content production

Finally, it is crucial to check the balance and frequency of your topics. Once your content ideas are correctly established and then planned over time, it is necessary to adopt a final overview to ensure that no topic is treated more than another, that your ideas are diversified and coherent, and that the frequency of your communication remains relevant to your strategy. ComInTime’s method then proposes a final time dedicated to planning your content through this recap phase, allowing you to balance your communication efforts and ensure to maximize your online visibility.

In conclusion, content planning with the ComInTime method is a structured and efficient approach to improving your communication strategy. By analyzing the past, brainstorming new ideas, and carefully planning your future publications, you can ensure that your communication efforts will be coherent, strategic, and aligned with your objectives. Adopt ComInTime’s method today and transform your way of communicating!